Friday, December 13, 2013

Tis the Season to be Stressed!!!

Holidays stressing you out?
Oh the holidays--what a joyful and exciting time....until you realize that you spend more of it stressed out, overwhelmed, and irritable!  We experience stress as a physical response in our bodies.  What's actually going on?  The adrenal glands release stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, resulting in increased blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing, and we become more alert to sight, hearing, and tensed muscles. Stress prepares our body to take action in the face of danger—many of you have probably heard of fight or flight.  In prehistoric times, a caveman’s body would respond to the threat of a lion, but in todays world, your body still responds the same way, even though the threats have changed.  Instead of running away from a lion, you may be running away from crazed holiday shoppers going after a bargain!

Here are some simple tips to help you manage your stress this holiday season:

You don't have to do it all. Host a holiday party by creating a fun and joyful setting, but ask guests to bring the food. Buy holidays presents, but ask your partner to wrap them...everyone is short on time, and no one is expecting perfection (that's the pressure you're putting on yourself)! Part of being human is being imperfect, so give yourself permission to accept yourself as you are, and let go of the shame and guilt this merry season. 

Time management, financial pressures, and unrealistic expectations for the holiday season may put you over the edge!  It seems like as early as Halloween, social media bombards you with messages of cooking, buying toys and gifts, fashion, and decorating.  Everyone wants to make it the most magical holiday ever, but this leads to pressure on yourself and blowing your budget!  Stick to a plan when you go shopping--beautiful displays can be tempting, but making extra purchases can add up don't want to be feeling the financial stress of the holidays months later! 

You may feel overcommitted and torn in 10 different directions during this time of year, so take some time to create a schedule and write a to-do list.  Only focus on your priorities, and check them off the list (crossing things off your list makes you feel productive and accomplished).  Plan out when you're going to bake, buy gifts, attend a child's school performance, go to your work party, and volunteer. It may be helpful to sit down each night and plan out the following day.

A little indulgence is ok, but binging on party food, desserts, and alcohol will only add to your stress levels...and waistline!  Some helpful tips are never go to a party hungry. If you skip lunch so that you can splurge later, you will mostly likely end up consuming more calories than if you had just eaten your lunch. Try eating a granola bar or yogurt before you head out, that way you are in charge of your hunger! Also, instead of mindlessly shoveling cheese and crackers into your mouth (I know I'm guilty), try a mindful eating exercise.  When you take a bite of food, pay attention to all of your senses and bodily sensations (how does it smell & taste, what does it sound like biting down, what's the texture like, how does it make you feel).  The more mindfully you eat, the less food you'll consume.  Make time for exercise--this may be waking up early to work out if your normal gym time has been replaced with a holiday party, or going for a walk on your lunch break.  And let's be realistic--no one loses weight in December!  A better and more achievable goal may be to maintain your weight and not gain (did you know the average person gains 7-10 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas!?).

It's natural human behavior to compare and evaluate yourself against your friends and neighbors, but don't let this build up into a competition, that you most likely can't afford!  Focus on non-material things, like showing love and affection to your partner and family, being supportive, and spending quality time together.  It's the season to be appreciate of what you do have!

Keep these tips in mind to minimize stress and tension and enjoy this festive time of year!