Thursday, December 11, 2014


Nighttime splurges making you feel guilty all day? Maybe it’s time for a DESSERT DETOX! 

Just like drug addiction, research shows people may be unable to resist cravings to eat junk.  Pleasure areas of the brain light up in response to sugar, similar to the response people have to alcohol and drugs—which helps explain why some people may be unable to resist cravings—hello chocolate!

Have you failed at many attempts to have just "one bite"? Do you hit the bottom of a pint of Ben & Jerry’s before you can say Chunky Monkey? Trust me, you’re not alone! As you're savoring a spoonful of a giant brownie sundae, it tastes like heaven, but after you’re done licking the bowl clean, the pleasure disappears, and you’re left feeling bloated and unhappy. 

There is good news—you can kick your sugar habits! Your brain wires itself to fire neurons that signal pleasure when it’s used to a routine (my routine=9pm froyo when I relax on the couch after work). Thankfully, your brain is a fascinating thing that can rewire itself to learn new habits. If you replace your sugar overloads with healthier options, your brain can strengthen these new connections over's possible you may crave broccoli one day! 

What are your options? You could cut dessert out cold turkey, or if this sounds intimidating, try reducing the frequency of indulgences. If you’re into an every night delight, try dessert only 3 nights per week—you can replace these “off” nights with another type of delight that also ignites the pleasure region of the brain…and burns calories instead of loads them on (wink wink).  Plus, the less often you eat sugar, the less of it you need to consume to enjoy it. Just like in drug tolerance, we need to eat more and more to get the same sugar high!

If you're an emotional eater, challenge your compulsions by telling yourself that a binge is just instant gratification, but won't make you happy in the longterm. Stop hating yourself and your choices! Think of how happy and guilt free you will feel when you load your body up on healthy options—food is a fuel to make your body run, and veggies and lean protein are your premium gas!

No one is in control 100% of the time. A splurge here and there—sure, you deserve it, enjoy! In fact, give yourself permission every once in awhile (and no, "once in awhile" is not nightly, nice try)! But if you’re waking up feeling guilty on a daily basis, maybe it’s time to make some changes.  Be aware of the legitimate food-mood connection. There’s enough things in life that can bring you down, so don’t let impulsive sugar binges add to your weekly stress!

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