Stop investing time and energy into an emotionally unavailable man! Think it’s going well and then you get the “fade away” or “disappearing act”? What’s up with that? I’ll tell you—he’s not emotionally available! Having lots of hot sex but when it comes to meeting your friends, he’s conveniently busy? He’s not available!
This guy may be looking to take a car out for a test drive, but when it comes to buying the car, he doesn’t pull the trigger. It’s frustrating! But you are a sexy Lamborghini, my friend, and more than just a fun joy ride!
He should be pursuing you, making plans with you, and calling/texting you. Don’t make excuses for his behavior. If he lacks confidence, or is shy, you can always take the reigns by letting him know you’re interested (either directly, or through indirect flirtatious behavior/conversation/body language), but if he doesn’t take the bait, sadly, he’s just not that into you.
So how do you know if he’s into you? He will accommodate your schedule to hang out, he will be eager to meet your friends & family, and he will excitedly make future plans with you. If he’s mature, he may tell you upfront that he digs you!
If he’s emotionally available, he will not blow you off or flake on you, he will put in effort to win your affection, he won’t be scared off by “future” talk (that’s not permission to tell him you want to get married next month and have his babies, but he should be cool with making plans for next week or month).
If he’s emotionally available, he will not blow you off or flake on you, he will put in effort to win your affection, he won’t be scared off by “future” talk (that’s not permission to tell him you want to get married next month and have his babies, but he should be cool with making plans for next week or month).
Now the hard part—if you’re picking up on red flags that he’s emotionally unavailable, DITCH HIM! Baaah-Bye. He’s not worth your time. Sure, some women hang around long enough until their man realizes they are worth committing to, but I’ve heard too many story of women clinging on for dear life, only to feel disrespected, unappreciated, and taken advantage of later. Walk away with your head held high and find a man with a green light!
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